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Large Münsterlander

Large Münsterlander

The Large Münsterlander is an intelligent, energetic, trainable, and usually friendly breed. Active, outdoorsy people looking for a versatile hunting companion and calm house dog won't be disappointed with the easy-going Large Münsterlander.


25–38 kg


58–66 cm


10–12 yr

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Large Münsterlander Traits

General Appearance

The Large Münsterlander has a strong and muscular body, yet it gives a racy impression overall. The breed is known for its clean outline and intelligent, noble expression.

Coat and Colouring

The Large Münsterlander's coat is long and dense enough to protect from cold weather and thorns found in thick cover while hunting.

The coat comes in three varieties: white with black patches and spots, blue roan, and pure black. The Large Münsterlander's head is always black, though sometimes has a white blaze.

Distinctive Physical Traits

With a noble, elongated head and strong, long, and well-developed muzzle, the Large Münsterlander emanates strength and refinement. The ears are broad and rounded at the tip, with long fringes of hair that reach to the end of the ear. The tail is feathered and carried horizontally.

Large Münsterlander Temperament

The Large Münsterlander is characteristically calm, gentle, and intelligent—ideal qualities for family dogs and skilled hunting companions alike.

All Large Münsterlanders need regular physical activity. But some have more nervous energy than others, thus requiring extra exercise before they can be laid-back housemates.

Because of their strong hunting instincts, Large Münsterlanders may chase small pets or wildlife, bark, or dig.

Munsterlander (Large) - carousel
Munsterlander (Large) - carousel

Large Münsterlander History

The Large Münsterlander—not to be confused with the Small Münsterlander—originated from the Münster region of Germany in the early 1900s.

This breed used to be a black-and-white variation of the German Longhaired Pointer. It wasn't until 1919, when the German Longhaired Pointer Club stopped recognizing the black color variation, that the Large Münsterlander gained recognition as a unique breed.

In Germany and other countries, the Large Münsterlander has served for decades as a versatile hunting companion rather than a show dog. The breed excels in all facets of hunting. They're strong swimmers, purposeful searchers, and can track a variety of game.

Kurt von Kleist introduced the Large Münsterlander to America in 1966. Globally, the breed's numbers have gradually spread thanks to the devotion of dedicated breeders. But the Large Münsterlander is still relatively rare in the U.S.

Large Münsterlander Care


Large Münsterlanders need a high-quality diet that's appropriate for their life stage (e.g., puppy, adult, senior) and activity level.

To prevent your dog from becoming overweight, keep a close eye on their food portions. And be sure to take treats into account when tracking their daily calorie intake. As a guideline, treats should make up no more than 10% of a dog's calories.


In general, Large Münsterlanders only need occasional brushing and bathing to keep their coats clean and healthy. However, their long hair attracts burs, which must be picked off after a day spent hunting in thick cover.

The Large Münsterlander's nails will wear down during daily activity. But you should still inspect them regularly for splits or cracks, and trim them as needed to maintain an ideal length.

Maintaining good dental hygiene is also important for the overall long-term health of all dogs. In addition to professional dental cleanings, Large Münsterlanders need a regular at-home dental care routine that includes teeth brushing and dental chews or treats.


Large Münsterlanders need daily exercise. Long walks, backyard play sessions, and trips to the lake for a swim are all fun activities that will give your dog the outlet they need for their energy.

These naturally athletic pups also love participating in canine sports such as field trials, tracking, agility, and obedience. And because of their sporting dog backgrounds, they're always happy to retrieve items such as tennis balls or frisbees.


Large Münsterlanders are intelligent and easily trained. As with all breeds, early socialization can help your Large Münsterlander pup grow into a well-mannered adult dog.

Munsterlander (Large) - carousel

Large Münsterlander Genetic Health Conditions

  • Hyperuricosuria

    Hyperuricosuria (HUU) is a condition that predisposes affected dogs to the formation of urinary stones, such as kidney or bladder stones.

Knowing if your Large Münsterlander is a carrier or at-risk for these conditions can help you and your veterinarian plan for your pup's lifelong care. With Wisdom Panel™ Premium, you can get results for over 200 genetic health tests.

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