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Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terriers (pronounced "chess-key") are cheerful dogs that are relatively new to the scene. Intelligent, sporty, protective, and hardworking, Cesky Terriers are among the world's rarest dog breeds. So, sharing a home with one of these little charmers is a real privilege.


5–11 kg


25–33 cm


12–15 yr

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Cesky Terrier Traits

General Appearance

The Cesky Terrier is a handsome breed with a long, well-muscled body and short legs.

Coat and Colouring

The Cesky has a slightly wavy coat that comes in various shades of blue (gray) from dark to silver, or light brown. Cesky Terrier puppies are born black or chocolate brown and turn a lighter shade as they age. They may have a white collar or black, white, brown, or yellow markings.

Distinctive Physical Traits

Some of the breed's most recognizable features are its long, wedge-shaped head, noticeable (and adorable) facial hair, natural drop ears, and long body.

Cesky Terrier Temperament

Ceskys are smart, playful, devoted dogs that care deeply about their humans. They make loving family dogs and thrive on attention and companionship. As an added perk, these pups are happy living just about anywhere.

Though they're generally good with children, adults should supervise any interactions with kids. Cesky Terriers get along with other dogs and pets, too. However, they benefit from early socialization, as all dogs do.

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Cesky Terrier History

Dr. Frantisek Horak developed the Cesky Terrier—also known as the Bohemian Terrier or Czech Terrier. He wanted a short-legged, pack-hunting terrier that could also be an excellent family pet and show dog. So, Dr. Horak crossbred the Scottish and Sealyham Terriers, and the first Cesky Terrier litter was born in 1950.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (an international federation of breed clubs based in Belgium) recognized the breed in 1963. Though the first Cesky Terriers arrived in America in the late 1980s, the American Kennel Club didn't accept the breed until 2011. The Cesky Terrier is now recognized by all the major Kennel Clubs in Europe.

Cesky Terrier Care


Cesky Terriers require high-quality dog food formulated for their age and size. These little pups have big appetites, so it's important to monitor the amount of food you feed them and reduce portions if they gain weight. Also, remember that giving too many treats in addition to regular meals can contribute to obesity.


The Cesky Terrier's coat requires regular clipping by a professional groomer. Because their coats don't naturally shed dirt, baths are necessary to keep them clean between trims.

Be sure to check your Cesky Terrier's ears for hair, and remove excess hair to prevent ear infections. While inspecting ears, also look for wax buildup and debris.


Cesky Terriers are highly active dogs that require daily exercise. Walks in the park and backyard games with the family are fun ways for these playful pups to burn energy.

Because they're hardwired to chase anything they perceive as prey, Ceskys should be in an enclosed yard or on a leash when outdoors.


Cesky Terriers are smart, level-headed, and high-spirited dogs. These traits make them strong contenders for dog sports.

Like most terriers, Ceskys can be stubborn. A firm, consistent approach to obedience training works best for this breed. Cesky Terriers also like to dig. If you leave yours alone in the yard, don't be surprised if you come home to a hole (or four).

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Reviewed 26 July 2020 by Cindy Elston, DVM, MPH

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