When it comes to determining breed background, Wisdom Panel™ dog DNA tests are the world’s leading and the world’s most accurate.
Keep ReadingLearn about this serious heart condition—and why new genetic screening is a critical tool for breeding away from Dilated Cardiomyopathy risk variants.
Keep ReadingWisdom Panel now includes Dilated Cardiomyopathy testing in Optimal Selection Canine and MyDogDNA DNA tests when screening Doberman Pinschers.
Keep ReadingThese high-energy, athletic dogs have qualities that make them fantastic hunting partners and attentive family pets.
Keep ReadingThese fast-learning, loyal dogs make excellent protectors and solid family companions.
Keep ReadingSome dogs have a talent for making friends. Learn about some of the extroverted dog breeds that win pets and people over with their outgoing personalities.
Keep ReadingFor centuries, dogs have stuck by their humans through thick and thin. Get to know some of the breeds with a well-known reputation for loyalty and devotion.
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