Decode the wags and wiggles that let you know your pet is loving life.
Keep ReadingWondering whether your dog will grow up to be purse-portable or pony-sized (or something in between)? Here are three approaches to figuring out their probable adult weight, ranked by accuracy.
Keep ReadingIf your pup always acts like they’re hungry—no matter how much you feed them—the POMC gene mutation could be to blame. Learn more about this condition and how to manage it.
Keep ReadingWisdom Panel™ scientists have discovered new genetic variants associated with inherited disease in dogs—providing models for future research in human health.
Keep ReadingYou and your pup share a world together. But due to color blindness and other differences in vision, you don’t see it the same way. Find out what that means for their care.
Keep ReadingStrikingly beautiful, blue eyes in dogs are a rare sight. Discover what causes this unique trait and which breeds are most likely to display it.
Keep ReadingGet practical, DIY tips to keep your pup looking and smelling their best—no visit to the groomer necessary.
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