Decode the wags and wiggles that let you know your pet is loving life.
Keep ReadingWhen it comes to outdoor adventures with your dog, it’s important to consider their energy level, stamina, heat tolerance, and breed make-up.
Keep ReadingThere’s a lot more to dog shows than most people realize. In this introductory post, discover what goes on at these interesting events—and why.
Keep ReadingFrom fireworks to thunder, loud sounds that frighten many dogs and cats abound during the summer. Try these techniques to keep your pets calm and fear-free.
Keep ReadingNew research has identified a rare genetic variant associated with hearing loss in Rottweilers—providing a model for future research in veterinary medicine, as well as human health.
Keep ReadingWisdom Panel™ Complete for Cats screens for more breeds, traits, and health conditions than any other cat DNA test. All so you can provide the best possible care.
Keep ReadingWant to improve your physical, psychological, and emotional well-being? Get a dog. Recent studies have found that adding a pup to your pack offers many health perks.
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